China TEFL Salaries
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China TEFL Salaries > Blog > The Blog > Site grows; shortcomings become more evident.

Site grows; shortcomings become more evident.

We’ve broken the 30 job barrier, mostly thanks to folks from Raoul’s China Saloon and reddit. Thanks to all of you for your participation, and please spread the word. The more people that contribute, the better the counterproposal you can make when you negotiate your next contract.

As more people use the site, more and more omissions and shortcomings are becoming evident. Thanks to all who have pointed out information I forgot to include in the form (including such minor details as Hunan and Hubei provinces) and information that would be good to know (such as vacation time).

I’m aware that the current table (created using the WP-Table Reloaded plugin) does a shitty job of sorting by number. If I have time this weekend, I’ll look into ways to improve that; if anyone has a fast and easy solution, please leave a comment so I can implement it.

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